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KEYWORDS: Children

Results: 641 - 650 of 741 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 1908 Article    Document
1848 Engraving  A man raises his fist at a woman. Two children struggle to pull them apart. Another woman enters the chaotic room. Visual Still
1848 Engraving  A man sits outside a curved cage. A man and a woman watch. Three figures in the background stand by bars. Visual Still
1842 Annual Report    Document
November 22, 1922 Article    Document
April 1919 Pamphlet    Document
April 1919 Pamphlet  First page of I Want to Thank You with My Eyes. Photograph of a baby above title. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with drawing of woman holding a baby. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with a drawing of a doctor applying eye drops into a baby's eyes, a nurse assisting. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with drawing of a man holding a baby, a woman in the a doorway. Visual Still
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