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Results: 131 - 140 of 342 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
December 23, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text - dated East Saginaw, Sept. 15, 1879 Visual Still
1959 Article    Document
April 1, 1917 Advertisement  Near full page newspaper ad for The Black Stork at the LaSalle Theater.  A spread wiinged black stork flies through the air over the title. Visual Still
February 11, 1856 Annual Report    Document
January 15, 1885 Annual Report    Document
February 10, 1853 Annual Report    Document
January 23, 1855 Annual Report    Document
January 22, 1873 Annual Report    Document
January 15, 1880 Annual Report    Document
January 14, 1875 Annual Report    Document
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