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KEYWORDS: Wheelchair

Results: 151 - 160 of 191 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs surround a large completed puzzle of Geogia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  Photographs of legs and arms with assitive devices for movement. Visual Still
August 1931 Photograph  A group of seventeen people, some in wheelchairs, some standing. Visual Still
April 1932 Photograph  A man and and woman in wheelchairs with two men standing. Visual Still
circa 1918 Photograph  Photograph of ward in military hospital, including veterans, nurses, and doctors.  Several men use wheelchairs. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A collage of twelve photographs of people at Warm Springs. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A middle-aged man sits in a wheelchair. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A woman sits in a wheelchair next to a car. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A young man sits in a wheelchair. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Five women in a row of wheelchairs, the last pushed by a young man. Visual Still
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