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KEYWORDS: Religion

Results: 191 - 200 of 371 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1868 Illustration  An elderly women mends to pants while a boy unhappily waits. Visual Still
1859 Illustration  Four children point at a sitting girl. Visual Still
1830 Illustration  Engraving of Thomas Gallaudet Visual Still
1862 Illustration  Woman sitting in chair at table reading book to three girls Visual Still
1862 Illustration  Title page from Use What You Have.  A seated woman helps a girl fix her sleeves while another girl looks on. Visual Still
1862 Illustration  Title:  Use What You Have  - American Tract Society; a boy and a girl sit reading on each side of the title graphic Visual Still
1862 Illustration  A girl sits on a woman's lap. Visual Still
1862 Illustration  A well dressed family visits a man who is in a cage Visual Still
June 13, 1816 Legal documents    Document
circa 1870 Lithograph  Certificate awarded and inscribed to student. Decorated with illustrations of church scenes. Visual Still
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