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KEYWORDS: Assistive Technology

Results: 311 - 320 of 483 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1959 Photograph  A man and a girl each use a headset to type. Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Three women with little boy in a wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1914 Photograph  Family gather on a wedding day. Man at center in a wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Photograph of a family posing outside of a house.  A young man wearing a night shirt sits in a wooden box. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  A family poses in front of the porch of a house.  An elderly man lies in a wheel chair. Visual Still
circa 1905 Photograph  Portrait of family. One boy uses a wheelchair.  Another poses with his bicycle. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Portrait of mother, father, and two children, one in a wheelchair. Visual Still
August 1932 Photograph  A group photograph of men and women at Warm Springs. Visual Still
March 25, 1949 Photograph  A newspaper photograph of about twenty people, about half of whom are in wheelchairs. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A photograph of a motorized wheelchair. Visual Still
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