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KEYWORDS: Sign Language

Results: 1 - 10 of 64 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1988 Poster  Two elderly brothers on a metal foot bridge sign to one another. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  Amos Draper stands on a stage signing. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  Amos G. Draper stands on a stage signing the charter of Gallaudet College Visual Still
1913 Photograph  Edward Gallaudet signs Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  Seven deaf students protest. They wave flags and stand behind a banner that reads Deaf President Now. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  A crowd of protesters marches down a street.  A man holds a banner that reads The Board Busters. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  Protestors march down the street carrying a large banner that reads We Still Have a Dream! Visual Still
1913 Photograph  George Veditz signs a speech entitled The Preservation of the Sign Language. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  George Veditz signs. Visual Still
June 1911 Photograph  Five young women standing on the grounds of Vancouver, Washington School for the Deaf sign the hymn Nearer My God, To Thee. Visual Still
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