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KEYWORDS: Health & Medicine

Results: 111 - 120 of 609 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1940 Postcard  Photograph of large group of musicians posing with their instruments under a tree Visual Still
1905 Postcard  Drawing of a man pulling a wagon away path from a large institutional building. Visual Still
circa 1880 Postcard  Photograph of men, one woman, one child, and a dog posing on the porch of a building. Visual Still
October 24, 1878 Postcard    Document
November 12, 1878 Postcard    Document
November 15, 1878 Postcard    Document
November 29, 1878 Postcard    Document
July 29, 1880 Postcard    Document
May 31, 1881 Postcard    Document
June 13, 1881 Postcard    Document
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