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KEYWORDS: Children

Results: 181 - 190 of 741 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1880 Photograph  Photographic portrait of Edouard Seguin. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  A teacher helps his young deaf student to recognize a sound placing the boys finger along side his nose. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  A boy and a man touch each other's throats. Visual Still
circa 1980 Photograph  A with glasses wearing a baseball uniform prepares to throw a baseball. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright (left) examining a child at desk in an office. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright (left) examining a child at desk in an office. Visual Still
1992 Photograph  A young boy wearing sunglasses plays a harmonica. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs work on a puzzle of Georgia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs surround a large completed puzzle of Geogia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  Young children of the McCowen School dine in a small parlor. Each table of children has a faculty member present. Visual Still
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