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Date Format Image Collection
1909 Photograph  Secretary taking dictation. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Fourteen women pose on the steps of the Willard Asylum. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Stereo card of men and women at work in the laundry at Willard Asylym. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Stereo card showing male and female patients, including children, playing crocquet in front of a large brick building at Willard Asylum. Visual Still
1912 Photograph  Man stands before a switchboard. Visual Still
1948 Photograph  A desk with FDR momentos, including a photograph of Winston Churchill. Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Woman operating switchboard Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Woman sitting at a typewriter taking dictation. Visual Still
1926 Photograph  Doctor uses eyedropper to apply silver nitrate into the eyes of a baby. Visual Still
1926 Photograph  Doctor examines the eyes of an African American boy, two women look on. Visual Still
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