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KEYWORDS: Wheelchair

Results: 101 - 110 of 191 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
May 13, 1856 Patent    Document
June 19, 1894 Patent  Design drawing for O.L. Smith-Fraser Invalid Chair Visual Still
June 19, 1894 Patent  Design drawing for O.L. Smith-Fraser Invalid Chair, sheet 2. Visual Still
December 25, 1894 Patent  Design drawing for S.A. Potter Invalid Chair, sheet 1. Visual Still
December 25, 1894 Patent  Design drawing for S.A. Potter Invalid Chair, sheet 2. Visual Still
May 13, 1856 Patent  Design drawing for D.S. James Invalid Chair. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Woman in wheelchair having her pulse taken by nurse Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Photographs of three young people, one in a wheelchair with a respirator. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Three photographs of young adults, two in wheelchairs. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Photographs of six young adults, one with a respirator and three in wheelchairs. Visual Still
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