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KEYWORDS: Sensory Disability

Results: 301 - 310 of 734 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright (left) examining a child at desk in an office. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright (left) examining a child at desk in an office. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  A Melville Bell visible speech chart. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  A head and shoulders portrait of a Horace Mann School female oral educator with glasses and a curled up-do hair style. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Corner view of large building with portico, bare trees, flag flying. Visual Still
circa 1900 Postcard  View of five-storied building with widow's walk and covered walkways on first two floors. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Srah Fuller seated, reading. Visual Still
circa 1900 Book  A page from Sarah Fuller's vocabulary notebook with different symbols, resembling the letter f, a horseshoe, and a shoe. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  A woman signs next a flag draped over a bench. Visual Still
circa 1900 Book  Typed vocabulary words on a page from Sarah Fuller's vocabulary notebook. Visual Still
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