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KEYWORDS: Assistive Technology

Results: 331 - 340 of 483 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1939 Pamphlet    Document
January 30, 1939 Pamphlet  Drawing of children carrying crutches with fairy flying above with banner, Health To All. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt drives a car as King George speaks to him from the back seat.  Roosevelt is seated next Queen Elizabeth. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  Roosevelt, holding the arm of a man in uniform, speaks with the King.  Eleanor Roosevelt and Queen Elizabeth stand nearby. Visual Still
circa 1940 Photograph  Young girl on crutches is climbing steps at the entrance to a building Visual Still
circa 1940 Postcard  A woman leads two little girls, one who uses crutches, up the front walk past flowers to the hospital. Visual Still
1940 Annual Report    Document
1940 Poster  A silhouette of a blind man with text of how Social Security will help blind people. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Pilgrims on kneelers in the Chapel of Miracles.  A man using a crutch stands on the right. Visual Still
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