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KEYWORDS: Mental Retardation

Results: 171 - 180 of 180 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
November 1955 Article    Document
circa 1910 Postcard  A portrait of 22 women posing outdoors. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Outdoor photograph of fifteen patients and staff dressed in costume, at the Rome State School for the Mentally Retarded.  A woman holds a sign that reads champions. Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Two boys working as cobblers. One files the sole of a shoe. The other holds a hammer and last upright and smiles. Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Three men stand with their arms folded across their chests. Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Two women pose with their arms crossed against their chests Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Photograph of two young boys with buttoned coats and bow ties. Visual Still
1862 Pamphlet    Document
1858 Photograph  Photograph of two young girls, one seated in a chair and the other standing behind her. Visual Still
1850 Photograph  Half tone photomechanical portrait of Edouard Seguin;  half-length Visual Still
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