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KEYWORDS: Civil Liberties & Rights

Results: 51 - 60 of 283 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1908 Article    Document
circa 1910 Photograph  A recently plowed field next to an orchard. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  A row of men, with horses and wagons in background, work clearing the ground of debris. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  A white house with trees. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  Two boys stand before a shingled building. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  A man holds a boy in a rocky field before several small white buildings. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  A group of men in front of a single-storied white building. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  A group of men in dark coats sit and stand in front of a building. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  Men pull down cornstalks in a field, an wagon nearby. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  At a barn, young men unload cornstalks from wagons pulled by oxen. Visual Still
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