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KEYWORDS: Educational Institutions

Results: 551 - 560 of 682 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1906 Photograph  A photographic portrait of a women in a plain black dress with her three daughetrs, one wearing dark glasses. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A man sits at a organ, and a woman in dark glasses holds a book. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  shows a woman in a black dress with white lace and a black bow at the neck holding a small book in her left hand and her right hand on the top of a short table to her right Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A woman in dark glasses sits in an ornate Victorian room. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A portrait of a woman. Visual Still
circa 1898 Photograph  Merton Keith with large, full moustache, facing left. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  Michael Hurlihy, portrait, waist-up, dark suit with bow tie. Visual Still
circa 1905 Postcard  Michigan Deaf and Dumb School, Flint, Michigan. A three-story building with trees in front. Visual Still
1870 Photograph  Bridgman, seated, book in lap Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  Miss Bertha Kerstow seated, face resting on hand. Visual Still
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