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COLLECTION: Visual Stills

Results: 201 - 240 of 1424 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1870 Sheet Music  Sheet Music Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Sheet Music Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Sheet Music Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Man and woman holding baby standing behind fence, watching little girl with book in front of fence Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Music Sheet Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Music Sheet Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Music Sheet Visual Still
1870 Illustration  Two images of a man who had a musket ball pass through his head. Visual Still
1870 Illustration  An engraving of the back of a man's head with a large cavity. Visual Still
1870 Photograph  Bridgman, seated, book in lap Visual Still
October 12, 1870 Illustration  An images of a prosperous large building with a picket fence and trees. Visual Still
October 12, 1870 Illustration  A large, ornate institutional building with trees in the foreground. Visual Still
December 30, 1871 Engraving  Image of a crowd of immigrants on a sailing ship. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A large institutional building with stage coaches coming and going. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A portrait of Andrew McFarland, a middle-age man with a beard. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  Men carry a woman to a waiting train while a crowd looks on. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A series of illustrations of a woman being separated from her children. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A weeping young man and a young woman in a horse-drawn buggy. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A woman holds the arm of a well-dressed man. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A series of images of a woman abusing a feamale patient. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A woman being carried by two men down a hallway. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A neat house with a picket fence in front. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  Two images of a man with a beard, in one of which he appears much older. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  Image of a legislative debate in Illinois. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man watches while another is forced into a shower stall. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man next to a piano looks worried. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man speaks with another sitting at a desk. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man at a desk hands a paper to a woman. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A domsetic scene, some reading, others playing chess. Visual Still
1873 Engraving  Engraving of a man in a pit with dogs and dozens of rats, some dead. A crowd of men look on. Visual Still
1873 Engraving  Man reaches into a lady's pocket on a city street. Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Blindness. Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Blindness, Explanation Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Blindness, Heading Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Blindness, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Deaf Mutism Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Deaf Mutism, Heading Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Deaf Mutism, Explanation Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Chart Showing The Distribution By Age And Sex Of Deaf Mutism, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut Visual Still
1874 Government Document  Twelve pie charts showing a comparative view of the distribution of insanity by sex and nativity in the several States. Visual Still
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