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KEYWORDS: Massachusetts

Results: 201 - 210 of 338 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
September 7, 1816 Correspondence    Document
1909 Book    Document
1909 Photograph  Portrait of Samuel Gridley Howe. Visual Still
December 31, 1842 Letter    Document
circa 1850 Photograph  Bridgman, seated facing camera, holding book, dark dress with lace collar, dark glasses. Visual Still
circa 1885 Photograph  Seated portrait of Laura Bridgman with her hands in her lap. Several spools of thread are visible on the tabletop beside her. Visual Still
circa 1842 Photograph  Swift on left, Bridgman on right, standing beside one another conversing with manual alphabet Visual Still
November 10, 1842 Letter    Document
March 20, 1886 Article    Document
July 1900 Article    Document
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