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KEYWORDS: Public Life - Society AND Movements [ " Movements " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ] AND & [ " & " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ] AND Advocacy∨derby=format [ " Advocacy∨derby=format " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ]

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Results: 1141 - 1170 of 1577 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1942 Charts & Tables  Bar graph showing sources of Goodwill's income. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables  Bar graph displaying Goodwill's expenses. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables  Bar graph displaying where Goodwill's money goes. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Men working in a shop repairing furniture. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables  Bar graph displaying what raw materials have been donated to Goodwill. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  A man wearing a welding shield. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Portrait of Edar J. Helms, an elderly balding man with glasses. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  An elderly man varnishing a chair. Visual Still
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
July 25, 1942 Newsletter    Document
October 26, 1942 Newsletter    Document
circa 1943 Photograph  A short statured woman wearing pants and a flowered scarf drills rivets on an airplane. Visual Still
1943 Annual Report    Document
1943 Annual Report    Document
1943 Annual Report    Document
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Woman and blind man work on aircraft as his seeing eye dog lies at his feet Visual Still
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Short statured man working inside wing of a B-17 Visual Still
March 25, 1943 Newsletter    Document
November 9, 1943 Postcard  A group of civilian men sit on benches as two men in military uniforms hand out exams Visual Still
November 9, 1943 Postcard  Handwritten text from a recruit to his family. Visual Still
1944 Annual Report    Document
April 1944 Article    Document
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly women sits in front of screws with hand on a jar. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Man looks at screw through magnifying glass. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly man with glasses prepares to palm screw. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly woman sits in wheelchair inspecting screws. Visual Still
July 15, 1944 Article    Document
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