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KEYWORDS: Public Life - Society AND Movements [ " Movements " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ] AND & [ " & " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ] AND Advocacy∨derby=collection Id [ " Advocacy∨derby=collection Id " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ]

Also try: Valid Keyword List Matches   Title Search: Social AND Movements AND & AND Advocacy∨derby=collection id   Site Search: Social AND Movements AND & AND Advocacy∨derby=collection id

Results: 1 - 20 of 1577 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
unknown Illustration  Roughly drawn floor plan for Top Cottage. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  A headshot of Jacobus from the left side Visual Still
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Photograph  A large two-story brick building, with stairs going to a railed-off porch. Visual Still
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard  Photograph of a large pyramid of Crutches in the corner of a church. Visual Still
unknown Lithograph  Valuable Books for children and Youth... surrounded by drawings of animals, boats and cornucopias Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Two small-statured men with long hair and beards stand between two pedestals. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Portrait of Laurent Clerc. Visual Still
unknown Painting  Portrait of Thomas Gallaudet. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Portrait of Mason Cogswell. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Framed silhouette of Alice Cogswell. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the Cogswell House, a large townhouse, with a horse drawn carriage on the street in front. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the front parlor of the Cogswell House. Visual Still
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