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Jessy Allan, The Lame Girl: A Story, Founded on Facts

Creator: Grace Kennedy (author)
Date: 1850
Publisher: Robert Carter and Brothers, New York
Source: Yale University Library

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A few days after this, Jessy's remains were laid in their narrow house. Her step-father was asked to attend as chief mourner, but he had no proper clothes, and declined going. The Sabbath School master, Mary Scott's father, and a few of his friends, attended. The school-mistress, dressed in mourning, and some of the school girls, also went to the church-yard, and waited to see the last mournful duties performed. At last the few and lowly mourners entered the churchyard, and walked slowly to its farthest and most crowded corner, where a grave was newly dug. The mistress approached nearer. Many new made graves were in the same place. When all was completed, and the withered turf laid on the grave, one of the girls said in a whisper to the mistress, -- 'O mistress! what makes them put the graves so close together in that corner? See, they are obliged to tread on some that seem quite new.'


'That is the place for the poor, my dear,' replied the mistress; 'but when the last trumpet shall sound, and the graves give up their dead, many, many, will rise to glory, who have been left to charity for the earth in which to sleep their long, long sleep.'



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