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Jed, The Poorhouse Boy

Creator: Horatio Alger (author)
Date: 1899
Publisher: The John Winston Company. Philadelphia
Source: Available at selected libraries
Figures From This Artifact: Figure 2

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"Well, Jim, I am much obliged to you. I hope some time I can do you a favor."


"Oh, that's all right. So long! I hope you'll get a job."


And the independent young boot- black, with his box over his shoulder, walked across the park in search of another job.


Somehow Jed was cheered by this act of kindness. He felt a little better satisfied with himself, moreover, when he saw the transformation of his dirty shoes to the polish that marks the gentleman.


A man rather shabbily dressed was drawn by this outward sign of affluence to sit down beside him. He took a brief inventory of Jed, and then doffing his hat, said deferentially, "Young gentleman, I hope you will excuse the liberty I am taking, but I have walked all the way from Buffalo, and am reduced almost to my last penny. In fact this nickel," producing one from his pocket, "is all the money I have left. If you will kindly loan me a quarter I shall esteem it a great favor."


Jed felt like laughing. He had not a penny yet here was a man richer than himself asking for a loan.


"I wish I were able to oblige you," he said, "but you are asking me for more than I possess."


The man glanced incredulously at Jed's polished shoes.


"You don't look poor," he said, in a tone of sarcasm.


"No, I don't look poor, but you are five cents richer than I."


The man shrugged his shoulders. He evidently did not believe Jed.


"It is quite true," continued Jed, answering the doubt on the man's face.


"Last night I was robbed of all the money I had. Had you applied to me yesterday I would have granted your request."


This frank statement disarmed the man's suspicion.


"I think you are speaking the truth," he said. "Though there are plenty who pretend to be poor to get rid of giving. Perhaps I shall surprise you when I say that a year ago I should have been able to lend you five thousand dollars, and have as much more left."


"Yes, you do surprise me! How did you lose your money?"


"I was a fool -- that explains it. I bought mining stocks. I was in San Francisco at the time, and my money melted like snow in the sun. A year since I was worth ten thousand dollars. To-day I am worth a nickel. Do you know what I will do with it?"


Jed looked at him inquiringly.


"I will buy a glass of beer, and drink to our good luck -- yours and mine."


"I hope it will bring the good luck," said Jed smiling.


"I would offer you a glass too, if I had another nickel."


"Thank you, but I never drink beer. I thank you all the same."


His companion rose and left the park, probably in search of a beer saloon. Jed got up, too, and took another walk. By half-past twelve he felt decidedly hungry. His break- fast had lasted him till then, but he was young and healthy, and craved three meals a day.


"How shall I manage to get dinner?" thought Jed seriously.


He paused in front of the Astor House, which he knew to be a hotel, and saw business men entering in quest of their midday lunch.


It was tantalizing. There was plenty of food inside, but he lacked the wherewithal to purchase a portion.


"Why, Jed, how are you?" came unexpectedly to his ears. He looked up and saw a brown-bearded, pleasant-faced man, whom he recognized as a fellow-guest at the Spray Hotel at Sea Spray.


"When did you leave Sea Spray?" asked his friend.


"Only yesterday."


"Going to stay in the city?" "Yes, if I can get anything to do."


"Have you been to lunch?"


"Not yet."


"Come in and lunch with me, then. I think we can find something inviting at the Astor."


"Saved!" thought Jed, as he gladly passed into the famous hostelry with his friend. "I wonder if he has any idea how glad I am to accept his invitation?"


In Search of Employment


JED followed his hotel friend np stairs into an upper dining-room, and they took seats at a corner table.


"I never like to dine alone," said Howell Foster. "I am glad I fell in with you, Jed."


"So am I," answered Jed. "I am more glad than you have any idea of," he said to himself.


"What will you order?" asked Mr. Foster pushing over the bill of fare to his companion.


"I have a healthy appetite and shall enjoy anything," said Jed with a smile. "Please order the same for me as for yourself."


Howell Foster was rather proud of his gastronomic knowledge, and took this as a compliment.


"You can trust me to do that," he replied. "I am used to the place and know what they succeed best in."


Thereupon he ordered a dinner which Jed found delicious. No expense was spared, and Jed, glancing at the bill when it was brought, found that the charge was three dollars and a half.


During the repast the host kept up a bright and chatty conversation.


"I hope you enjoyed your dinner" he said, when it was over.


"Actions speak louder than words," answered Jed with a smile.


"This is a good, reliable place. I advise you to come here often."


"What would he say if he could see the inside of my pocket-book?" thought Jed. "I am afraid," he said aloud, "it is too expensive for my means."

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