Library Collections: Document: Full Text

Perkins Report of 1888

Creator: Michael Anagnos (author)
Date: 1888
Source: Perkins School for the Blind

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With Helen, morality is not an edifice, erected at the cost of great labor, prudence and patience. She is naturally a very sweet, affectionate and generous child, and a very slight appeal to her sensitive little heart will invariably bring tears to her eyes.


She is remarkably correct in her deportment, and possesses a strong sense of order and neatness. She is skilful with her fingers, and is as fond of dress, articles of ornament and all beautiful things, as are other children of her age; and, with all the eager and restless activity of her mind, she is a very natural and a very lovable little girl.




"But I've already troubled you too long,
Nor dare attempt a more advent'rous song." -- ADDISON.


In closing this report, which, I fear, has exceeded the usual limits, I avail myself of the opportunity to render my heartfelt thanks to the members of your board for the kind advice and prompt aid afforded to me at all times and under all circumstances, as well as for the courteous manner in which these have been given. I also acknowledge, with pleasure, the cordial cooperation and valuable help which I have received from all my assistants in this work.


All which is respectfully submitted by



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