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Committee Notes

Creator: n/a
Date: February 1933
Publication: The Polio Chroncile
Source: Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation Archives


Polio Crusaders -- "Donnie" is back on the job having returned from her Christmas vacation and reports a steady increase in memberships.


Publicity -- This group is at present planning the March issue of the Chronicle, which will be a special Rehabilitation number. James Tomlinson, of Portland, Me., is in charge of sending letters to a selected list of Warm Springs alumni for the purpose of increasing the circulation of the Chronicle.


Library -- The cataloguing of the "Rec" library has been completed and the volumes systematically arranged on the shelves. Miss Frances Porteous, of Quebec, Canada, chairman, has had splendid assistance from Miss Harriette Root, of Greenwich, Conn., Miss Beatrice Warbasse, of Gloversville, N.Y., Miss Madeline Revell, of Montreal, Canada, and many others.


Entertainment -- The recent entertainments have been a financial success and Bob Bartold, of Rochester, N. Y., chairman, reports a substantial balance.


Rehabilitation -- Bill Lyon, of Niles Center, Ill., is replacing James Tomlinson as chairman.


Plans are under way to start a class for a secretarial course conducted by a teacher from The State Rehabilitation Board.


Architectural and Mechanical Hints Group -- This month's objective of this group, under Boyd White, of Summit, N. J., is featured on page 3 of this Chronicle.