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As Of Now

Creator: n/a
Date: 1962
Publication: Toomey J Gazette
Source: Gazette International Networking Institute


Interim report on the campaign by TjG readers for action in their behalf


U.S. READERS: We thank you who have made tremendous efforts to write to your Senators and Representatives to tell your stories as a part of the campaign by our group to obtain assistance. We thank those of you who have, on your own initiative, launched your own projects to send out hundreds of letters.


We thank all who filled out the Census questionnaire and the many who took extra time to describe your schedules and to tell your stories more fully.


We are very proud of the returns: we sent out a total of 1,834 to U.S. readers and received 806 completed forms -- a remarkable percentage. These were made anonymous by coding and are now being tabulated.


We would like to thank all those who are still sending us hundreds of letters telling us of your increasing problems. Please continue to write and to work for a solution.


MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: We thank the Senators and Representatives who took time to consider and investigate our problems and to urge that action be taken. We are deeply touched by your expressions of personal interest and hopeful because of your concern.


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE: We thank all those who have given serious thought and study to the problems of our group. Most especially, we thank Miss Mary E. Switzer, Director, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, and Dr. Philip A. Klieger, Medical Consultant.


The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation held a preliminary meeting in Washington to which were invited staff from the U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Public Assistance, and the National Foundation.


The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation is supporting the project to tabulate and interpret the Census questionnaires. This is now being done at Ohio State University under the direction of Dr. Saad Z. Nagi, Director of Social Research. A summary of the data is scheduled for March.


-- The Editors