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"Why Bother With The Crippled Child?"

Creator: Franklin D. Roosevelt (author)
Date: 1927
Publication: The Crippled Child
Publisher: National Society for Crippled Children of the United States of America
Source: National Library of Medicine, General Collection

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Those are things for the practical business man. Those are things for the practical politicians who send our legislators to the capitol, who send our governors to their seats


Education of the public, the dear, good, old, long-suffering public, which if you keep on driving at, and telling facts to, will come around to your point of view every time, if you tell the truth, and, heaven only knows, we have the truth.


I am very happy to have had this chance to be with you. I hope that you will let me come to other gatherings next year, and that I will be able to attend some of the section meetings that I missed this year, because there is a lot to learn. May your work go on. May it go on as it deserves to, and as it is bound to go on. You can have the feeling of the pioneer. You can have the feeling of the people who are starting something that is going to live and grow in the years to come.


May the Almighty bless you and your work, and give more strength to your good, right arms.

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