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The Adult Blind Of Massachusetts: A Call To A Pressing Duty

Creator: Francis H. Rowley (author)
Date: February 26, 1903
Publication: Boston Transcript
Source: Perkins School for the Blind

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2. Let there be a modest beginning made in opening an industrial home where the able-bodied, and those who have no friends to give them shelter, can be given the chance to contribute to their support by their own labor. Every such institution, if it lives, and if it ought to live, must be a growth. It would encounter many a difficulty in its development and could deal with these much more effectively when operating on a small scale than on a large one. While it might seem almost cruel at the start to offer its assistance to only a few out of great number equally deserving, in the east, by the wisdom learned from experience, it would prove that the greatest good of the greatest number had been subserved.

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