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Idiots And Institutions For Their Training

Creator: Linus P. Brockett (author)
Date: 1855
Publication: American Journal of Education
Source: Available at selected libraries

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We are firm believers in "the good time coming;" we are satisfied that the race is making progress, that as an eminent statesman has well said, "the frightful number of those unfortunates, whose ranks encum-ber the march of humanity, -- the insane, the idiots, the blind, the deaf, the drunkards, the criminals, the paupers will dwindle away, as the light of knowledge makes clear the laws which govern our exist-ence. But in the words of the same eloquent writer, "in the mean-time, let none of them be lost; let none of them be uncared for; but, whenever the signal is given of a man in distress, no matter how deformed, how vicious, how loathsome, even, he may be, let it be regarded as a call to help a brother."

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