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The Toomeyville Jr. Gazette Appears

Creator:  Sue Williams, Gini Laurie, and Flora Seielstad (authors)
Date: April 1958
Publication: Toomeyville Jr. Gazette
Source: Gazette International Networking Institute


Because of the death of her husband, Hugh, Ann Randolph, the Gazette's volunteer-Editor is now working full time and will be unable to give so many hours to Toomey. She and Hugh were real partners and their hard work together made your TOOMEYVILLE GAZETTE. They did a terrific job and we all send Ann a big bouquet of thanks and our deepest sympathy and sincere good wishes.


The TOOMEYVILLE GAZETTE can never be the same. So, with humility, we two Thursday Volunteers and an Out-Patient have gathered news from patients, staff, volunteers and keyholes, which we are rushing into a JUNIOR edition.


We cannot foresee just how Jr. will evolve. We are not even sure exactly how often he will reappear. We think he will be a cross between a monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly, so we'll call him a MoBiQUa - with wishful emphasis on the monthly. But if you will all help us, Jr. will try to pass the news and gossip around.


The typist one-third of the Jr. Editorial Staff wishes to state that it has been more years than she cares to remember since she did any typing in a professional manner, and begs your indulgence with her many mistakes.


Unlike the rest of the world, the population of Toomey is rapidly decreasing -- thanks to the Salk vaccine. So the problems will be quite different in the future -- most of the patients will be at home. We would like Jr. to help with the problems and joy of family living by providing the exchange medium. For instance, will you mothers share the methods you have evolved for entertaining and disciplining your children from a rocking bed or wheelchair? Will you fathers share your experiences in earning a living and managing a family? If you gay blades and dolls find entertainment especially suited to wheelchairs, will you share is with others through JR! Sue Williams
Gini Laurie
Flora Seielstad