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KEYWORDS: Identity

Results: 191 - 220 of 483 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1859     Document
1859 Illustration  An engraved portrait of Mary Day, a blind woman. Visual Still
July 1933 Article    Document
January 1933 Article    Document
February 1933 Article    Document
January 1933 Photograph  Three man and two women in strange hats sit at a table. Visual Still
November 1932 Article    Document
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
February 1934 Magazine    Document
1963 Article    Document
March 1855 Article    Document
circa 1885 Photograph    Document
circa 1885 Photograph  Bust view, oval format, of Lavinia Warren in dark velvet dress with jewelry. Visual Still
September 1932 Article    Document
November 1855 Article    Document
January 1855 Article    Document
March 1855 Article    Document
1994 Book    Document
1994 Book  A book cover with a photograph of a young African-American man. Visual Still
1959 Magazine    Document
March 23, 1977 Article    Document
March 1933     Document
March 1933 Illustration  A cartoon of a man using a pickaxe, pushing a wheelbarrow, and carrying a box up stairs. Visual Still
February 1934 Article    Document
February 1934 Photograph  People in a courtyard, many in wheelchairs, playing instruments. Visual Still
March 11, 1871 Postcard    Document
March 19, 1871 Postcard    Document
February 14, 1880 Postcard    Document
May 8, 1880 Postcard    Document
July 1, 1880 Postcard    Document
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