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KEYWORDS: Identity

Results: 161 - 180 of 483 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
August 1933 Photograph  A young man walks on crutches. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Three women sits and talk. One has a crutch and braces. Another has a cane. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A photograph of the author inside a drawing of a spider. Visual Still
August 20, 1904 Photograph  Large group photograph of the Seventh Convention National Association of the Deaf at St. Louis, held during the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Visual Still
1963 Photograph  Six photographs of people in a swimming pool. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man with a telephone headset and a respirator chestpiece. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man in a wheelchair with papers and a man using a mouthstick to type. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A young man in a wheelchair with his wife and young daughter. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man in a suit sits at a desk and wears a telephone headset. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man with a telephone headset uses his foot to operate a device.  The Wall Steet Journal is nearby. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Two photographs of a woman in a wheelchair wearing a cape. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A man with a respirator attended by a nurse on a plane. Visual Still
May 22, 1821 Pamphlet    Document
1867 Pamphlet    Document
1932 Pamphlet    Document
1863 Pamphlet    Document
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
December 1956 Newsletter  An angel prays next to a baby in a cradle. Visual Still
December 1957 Newsletter  A woman holds a baby, surrounded by a halo. Visual Still
August 1956 Newsletter  A drawing of a donkey pulling a cart of flowers. Visual Still
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