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KEYWORDS: Accessibility

Results: 41 - 50 of 169 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1959 Article    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
1948 Photograph  A fireplace with a portrait of Franklin Roosevelt above. Visual Still
1948 Photograph  A desk with FDR momentos, including a photograph of Winston Churchill. Visual Still
May 5, 1945 Legal documents    Document
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Room with sofa, chairs, bookcase, and fireplace. Visual Still
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Large room with desk, chairs, and sofa. Visual Still
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Large room with fireplace, sofa, desk, and chairs. Visual Still
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