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1919 Poster  Poster reading that The Disabled Man Who is Profitably Employed Is No Longer Handicapped.

Training for self-support is not only humane, but economical. The advantages already extended to injured soldiers at home and abroad must be extended to every citizen disabled in industry or accident.

Rehabilitation is the fundamental means of attack on the problem of disability. Let us help the cripple in the future, not by handing out alms, but by giving him a fair chance to win his own way to self-respect and self-support. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing worker taking dirt out of another worker's eye. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing a variety of dangers to eyesight in industrial work. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing men blinded while working without goggles. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing good and bad lighting in the workplace. Visual Still
November 1917 Poster  Poster showing workplace accident. Visual Still
December 1920 Poster  Two posters promoting eye safety. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A women with a prosthetic right hand holds a resume in her hand. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A view from a wheelchair as they pass through a sliding door. Visual Still
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