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Statement By The President Upon Signing The Social Security Amendments, August 29, 1958
I have today approved H. R. 13549, "To increase benefits under the Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, to improve the actuarial status of the Trust Funds of such System, and otherwise improve such System; to amend the public assistance and maternal and child health and welfare provisions of the Social Security Act; and for other purposes."...
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Document Information

Title: Statement By The President Upon Signing The Social Security Amendments, August 29, 1958
Creator: Dwight Eisenhower (author)
Date: August 29, 1958
Format: Government Document
Source: Social Security Online History Page
Keywords: Aging; Children; Dwight Eisenhower; Economics; Employment; Government; Government Agencies; Insurance; Labor; Labor & Commerce; Laws & Regulation; Legislation; Physical Disability; Policy; Politics; Public Health; Public Health & Welfare; Public Welfare; Social Security; Social Welfare & Communities; U.S. Congress
Topics: Government, Policy & Law