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Dix Accused Of Slander
An article published in the Boston Mercantile Journal a few weeks since. . ., extracted from a Memorial to the Legislature by Miss Dix, is a most slanderous reflection upon the Overseers of the poor, and the inhabitants of the town of Shelburn....
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Document Information

Title: Dix Accused Of Slander
Creator:  Numerous Signatories
Date: February 14, 1843
Format: Article
Publication: The Franklin Democrat
Source: Available at selected libraries
Keywords: Abuse; Advocacy; Almshouses; Asylums; Care Givers; Civil Liberties & Rights; Doctors; Dorothea Dix; Economics; Expose; Government; Health & Medicine; Hospitals; Insanity; Institutions; Laws & Regulation; Legislation; Massachusetts; Media; Medical Professionals; Memorials; Neglect; Newspapers; Politics; Poverty; Psychiatric Disability; Public Health & Welfare; Public Welfare; Social Welfare & Communities; Social Welfare & Employment; Women & Gender
Topics: Government, Policy & Law; Social Movements & Advocacy